
The HBS Africa Business Conference will feature over 25 diverse panels and keynote sessions, providing extensive conversations on key sectors on the continent spanning from technology to agribusiness, financial services to private equity and energy to healthcare.

We encourage you to plan ahead and take advantage of these sessions to gain valuable insights from industry experts.
Stay tuned as we announce new speakers every week!
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3:30 pm
Klarman Hall
Opening Keynote with Mostafa Terrab
Chairman of OCP Group
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Opening Keynote with Mostafa Terrab

Mar 24, 2023 3:30 PM
Klarman Hall
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4:25 pm
Klarman Hall
"My Takes" by Fatima Al Ansar
Former Head of Mission, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mali
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"My Takes" by Fatima Al Ansar

Mar 24, 2023 4:25 PM
Klarman Hall
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5:00 pm
Klarman Hall
The Tech Founder's Journey
Digging Deeper into What it Takes to Build a Tech Startup in Africa
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The Tech Founder's Journey

It is estimated that over $5 billion was invested across Africa in 2022 – the number of start-ups is growing quickly. As the ecosystem matures, the expectations are higher for founders in Africa. Join us for an intimate fireside with some of Africa’s leading start-up founders. We will delve deep into the highs and lows of being a founder – from building a world-class team, attracting customers, and fundraising, to maintaining self-care.

Mar 24, 2023 5:00 PM
Klarman Hall
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6:00 pm
Klarman Hall
New Venture Competition
Annual pitch competition to showcase the diversity of entrepreneurs making a difference on the continent today
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New Venture Competition

As part of the conference, the Africa Business Club will be hosting the New Venture Competition which seeks to showcase the diversity of entrepreneurs making a difference on the continent today.

From the pool of over 380 applications, 10 finalists were  invited to pitch their business in front of over 1,000 attendees and receive feedback from a panel of experienced judges. The competition winner and runner-up, and third place will be awarded cash prizes of $30,000, 15,000, and $10,000, respectively.

Mar 24, 2023 6:00 PM
Klarman Hall
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10:00 pm
Chinatown Country Club
Afrolituation x World Afrika Party sponsored by Amplify Africa
Sounds by Spinall, SuperSmashBroz, KingCollins and $25 for Conference Attendees All Night
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Afrolituation x World Afrika Party sponsored by Amplify Africa

Chinatown Country Club
9a Tyler Street, 3rd Floor
Boston, MA 02111
$25 for conference attendees until 12:30AM

Mar 24, 2023 10:00 PM
Chinatown Country Club
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9:25 am
Klarman Hall
Talk with Fred Swaniker
Chairman, African Leadership Group
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Talk with Fred Swaniker

Mar 25, 2023 9:25 AM
Klarman Hall
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Breakout 1
10:15 am
Aldrich 111
Talent Development
Reimagining the Development of Africa’s Workforce
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Talent Development

There is a lack of focused discourse highlighting innovation in exceptional talent identification and development in Africa. There is an urgent need to harness/unlock the potential of Africa’s demographic dividend by way of its youthful population. This panel will seek to learn from a diverse set of entrepreneurs at the forefront of reimagining how we educate the world’s youngest population. We will explore how for- and non-profit models face incredible opportunities and challenges as they scale across borders on the continent.

Mar 25, 2023 10:15 AM
Aldrich 111
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Breakout 1
10:15 am
Aldrich 109
Startup Negotiations
Achieving Superior Deal Terms for Startups in Africa – From Incorporation to Acquisition
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Startup Negotiations

This panel discussion will focus on negotiations for startups in the African business landscape. The panel will include a venture capitalist investor, a lawyer with expertise in startup law, and the founder of a successful startup. The discussion will explore best practices for negotiating with investors, partners, and suppliers in order to achieve favorable outcomes for startups. The panelists will also share their experiences and insights on navigating the unique challenges and opportunities presented by the African business environment.

Mar 25, 2023 10:15 AM
Aldrich 109
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Breakout 1
10:15 am
Klarman Hall
Private Equity
Pitfalls and Pathways for Private Investments in Africa
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Private Equity

Is the traditional private equity model compatible with Africa? In this candid fireside chat with Yemi Lalude, the Managing Partner of TPG's Africa team, we will have a frank discussion about not only the challanges investors in African private markets face, but also the collosal opportunities these markets present them. We will hear about how private capital deployed in Africa generates positive impact unlike anywhere else in the world and how Africa's growing technology sector presents private equity investors with an opportunity to invest in companies growing at rates very rarely seen elsewhere.

Mar 25, 2023 10:15 AM
Klarman Hall
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Breakout 1
10:15 am
Aldrich 110
Digital Health Transformation
Increasing Healthcare Access across Africa and the Role of Technology - Fact, Fiction and Opportunity
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Digital Health Transformation

There continues to be a significant gap across the African continent with regards to increasing access to high quality and affordable healthcare. Brick and mortar healthcare solutions continue to play a major role in improving access to care, accelerated by the push toward Universal Healthcare Coverage. Technology has demonstrated the ability to strengthen health systems, leveraging existing platforms to increase access. These innovative strategies such as digital health are needed to ensure long term success in the continent. However, their successful deployment on a wider scale faces several challenges on the continent. We will be discussing the opportunities, the risks and myths associated with digital health transformation and the successes achieved to-date.

Mar 25, 2023 10:15 AM
Aldrich 110
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Breakout 1
10:15 am
Aldrich 112
The Creative Economy
Harnessing the Potential of Africa’s Creative Talent
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The Creative Economy

Broad and powerful, the creative industry in Africa holds great promise and spans multiple sectors including film, art, fashion, music, social media content creation, among others. This panel will engage different actors across the value chain on how to break down the barriers that are holding back the industry from achieving its full potential. In this discussion, we will cover the tailwinds that have supported the growth of African creative content so far, how to further increase access to financing for creative entrepreneurs, how to formalize the industry to better realize the economic benefits of its output, how to boost investment in the physical and digital infrastructure that support the creative economy, how to better leverage global digital platforms to distribute creative products more effectively and finally government policies needed to support the overall development of the industry.

Mar 25, 2023 10:15 AM
Aldrich 112
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Breakout 1
10:15 am
Aldrich 108
Bridges to the Diaspora
Unleashing the Socio-economic Power of the African Diaspora
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Bridges to the Diaspora

At the center of long-standing debate is whether emigration from Africa has caused the continent more harm than good. According to reports, more than 70,000 skilled people leave the continent annually yet foreign inflows to the continent from Diasporan remittances have grown exponentially in the last decade to reach more than $50 billion each year. Beyond remittances, research has also shown that continuous engagement with the Diaspora can accrue additional benefits to the continent through increased trade, investment and knowledge transfer. Moreover, the Diaspora is also believed to have played a major role in promoting the adoption of African music and shaping the narrative of Africa on the global stage. This panel will discuss how Africa can strengthen its ties with the large Diasporan community around the world and foster deeper connections for mutual benefit. Does every country need a “Beyond the Return" campaign like Ghana or are there other creative levers the continent can pull to better engage its Diasporan community?

Mar 25, 2023 10:15 AM
Aldrich 108
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Breakout 2
11:15 am
Spangler Auditorium
Venture Capital and Studios
Launching and Investing in Early-Stage Ventures - Beyond the Hype and Back to the Basics
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Venture Capital and Studios

$8 billion dollars later, what have we learned in the past decade about the enduring lessons of investing in and building successful early stage companies in Africa? Africa has seen a complete market cycle of boom and bust in the VC ecosystem, its first few exits and IPO, and a flurry of founders and media coverage. This panel features insights from serial founders, early stage VCs and leading accelerators. Expect to hear riveting insights on key questions including - What early stage investors have gotten right and wrong in choosing winners? How founders are getting wiser on choosing investors and achieving PMF? How the ecosystem will evolve as it unlocks new types of capital like venture debt and new models like studios?

Mar 25, 2023 11:15 AM
Spangler Auditorium
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Breakout 2
11:25 am
Aldrich 109
Financial Inclusion
Reducing Frictions in Africa’s Financial Services Ecosystem to drive Economic Growth
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Financial Inclusion

According to the World Bank “Financial inclusion means that individuals and businesses have access to useful and affordable financial products and services that meet their needs, delivered in a responsible and sustainable way”. Current estimates show about ~55% of Africa’s population is unbanked and ~40% are living in poverty. Fortunately, novel financial technologies and innovative banking systems have begun to revolutionize this dynamic in recent times. This panel will explore three main themes: 1) What does financial inclusion mean in Africa, who exactly has been excluded historically and why is it important to bring them in? 2) What is the responsibility of industry participants to drive financial inclusion and help lift the continent out of poverty? 3) What does the future of Financial Inclusion in Africa look like?

Mar 25, 2023 11:25 AM
Aldrich 109
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Breakout 2
11:25 am
Aldrich 111
Affordable Housing
Delivering Innovative Solutions to Bridge Africa’s Housing Deficit
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Affordable Housing

Real estate can be a vehicle to leap the African middle-class into financial prosperity. The challenges are recognizing the barriers, finding new opportunities, and enabling access. In this session, we will cover the needs for better planning, construction, and access through the lens of people involved in both the public and private spaces. We will conclude with practical guidelines for investing in affordable real estate from within and beyond the African borders at the personal and institutional level. Affordable does not mean low-quality; it means scalable and replicable for the masses. Innovators are making a difference through new construction-technologies, collaborating with government to minimize risks, and bringing unique means to connect capital for developers, buyers, and investors.

Mar 25, 2023 11:25 AM
Aldrich 111
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Breakout 2
11:25 am
Aldrich 112
The Rise of African Music
Advancing the Representation of African Music on the Global Stage
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The Rise of African Music

Africa's narrative on the world stage today is being shaped as ground-breaking musicians, artists, journalists, blockbuster movies, tv shows and writers take center stage. This panel will discuss pertinent trends from across stakeholders in this culture - shaping ecosystem. As Africa accelerates into the future, this panel will present an insightful set of perspectives on the power of narrative and creativity to re-imagine and visualize the direction of progress. Our goal is to highlight how African music is showcased to the world, the challenges that exist and the forces that are at work to positively enhance the upward trajectory.

Mar 25, 2023 11:25 AM
Aldrich 112
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Breakout 2
11:25 am
Aldrich 110
Digital Infrastructure
Accelerating Africa’s Digitization through Targeted Infrastructure
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Digital Infrastructure

Africa is in the midst of a digital revolution: approximately 473 million Africans are online, and an additional 300 million will likely join them by 2025. Average download speeds in Africa doubled between 2015 and 2019, while data costs halved. Underpinning this growth is the installation of digital infrastructure (fiber optics, data centers, and more) serving the continent. In this panel, we will hear from the folks building that infrastructure. We will understand the history, opportunities, and challenges in this sector.

Mar 25, 2023 11:25 AM
Aldrich 110
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Breakout 2
11:25 am
Aldrich 108
Reimagining Agriculture
Feeding the Continent through Improved Agribusiness Models
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Reimagining Agriculture

African agriculture is at once an immense challenge and opportunity. With proper investments, we could increase production by hundreds of billions of dollars annually, with equal potential in processing and retail. The continent closed 150 agtech funding deals for $482.3M in 2021, but much more is needed. Come join Africa’s foremost agri investors, agtech entrepreneurs, and downstream and upstream operators as they outline how to realize the sector’s potential via better business models, talent and investment.

Mar 25, 2023 11:25 AM
Aldrich 108
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12:45 pm
Batten Hives
From 0 to 1 Million+ Followers
How to Leverage Social Media to Build Your Business in 2023
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From 0 to 1 Million+ Followers

From 0 to 1 Million+ Followers: How to Leverage Social Media to Build Your Business in 2023

Taught by Olivia Barnard, a former McKinsey consultant and social media influencer with 1.3 million followers

Social media is the future. There were 50 million content creators in 2020. In 2022, the number jumped to more than 300 million (Adobe). As the creator economy continues to grow, so does the shift away from traditional forms of marketing to social media. In 2022, social media video ad spending grew by 20.1% to $24.35 billion (Hootsuite). Social media is the future; don't get left behind. 

In this lunch and learn, Olivia will share her personal experience growing her online brand to 1.3 million followers across 3 platforms - Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube.

Through social media, you can: 

💼 Generate new leads for your business (real estate, coaching, teaching, medical) and scale it to seven figures 

🍰 Create a side hustle (photography, baking, pottery) that makes multiple six figures

📲 Build a career as a digital marketer for small businesses or Fortune 500 companies

🎤 Establish yourself as a thought leader and receive invitations to speak at conferences 

🏑 Share your hobbies and build an audience of people with similar interests

💋 Become an influencer and get paid to talk about products you love 

The possibilities are endless! 

Mar 25, 2023 12:45 PM
Batten Hives
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12:45 pm
Batten Hives
Making Money Moves
Career Design Workshop
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Making Money Moves

What do you want to be "where" you grow up? If you’re looking to intentionally design your next professional move, this workshop is for you! Come apply design thinking principles to craft your next move. This interactive workshop centered on you is the sign you were looking for. Join us for a lunch and learn where you’ll walk away with actionable next steps.

Mar 25, 2023 12:45 PM
Batten Hives
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1:45 pm
Klarman Hall
Spoken Word with Emi Mahmoud
Poet & UNHCR Goodwill Ambassador
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Spoken Word with Emi Mahmoud

Mar 25, 2023 1:45 PM
Klarman Hall
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2:15 pm
Klarman Hall
Africa Accelerated
Driving the Holistic Development of Africa in the Next Decade and Beyond
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Africa Accelerated

In this session, we will hear from experts across sectors to posit how we can take an interdisciplinary approach to accelerating Africa’s development in the next decade and beyond. Grounded in an understanding of the largest opportunity gaps, this session will focus on innovative solutions for inclusive growth. In addition to looking at on-the-ground enablers, such as technology, education, and public-private partnerships, we will focus on how the diaspora can support Africa’s growth journey.

Mar 25, 2023 2:15 PM
Klarman Hall
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Breakout 3
3:45 pm
Aldrich 108
Entrepreneurship through Acquisition
Unlocking Value and Powering African SMEs through Acquisition Entrepreneurship
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Entrepreneurship through Acquisition

Although Entrepreneurship through Acquisition (ETA)— where entrepreneurs search for and acquire small, stable, cash-flow positive businesses with the intention to grow them over time—is becoming more popular, few “search funds” have been established in Africa. Indeed, there has been limited data to support the case for investing in African search funds and the benefits of this novel asset class. Still, ETA remains uniquely positioned to unlock value, find new talent, and accelerate the growth and development of SMEs—particularly family businesses—across the continent. This panel will focus on three key questions: (1) What makes Africa ripe for the growth of search funds? (2) How can the North American search fund model function on the continent? (3) What are the dynamics of operating and growing businesses under this model?

Mar 25, 2023 3:45 PM
Aldrich 108
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Breakout 3
3:45 pm
Spangler Auditorium
Climate and Sustainability
Accelerating Climate Resilience and Adaption for Sustainable Growth in Africa
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Climate and Sustainability

Africa accounts for only two to three percent of global greenhouse gas emissions, yet it is disproportionately affected by the impacts of climate change. Key development sectors have already experienced severe damages including water shortages, reduced food production, biodiversity loss, loss of lives and reduced economic growth. Populations as well as businesses alike are increasingly exposed. Governments, businesses, and civil society must collaborate to deploy and scale solutions across industries that accelerate climate resilience and adaptation. Africa is also uniquely positioned to capitalize on the international transition to “green growth”, with opportunities to tap into new, fast-growing industries that can help to reduce global emission while creating jobs and economic development at home. This panel highlights investors, operators, and advisors to businesses and governments who aim to build synergies on the continent between climate adaptation and sustainable growth.

Mar 25, 2023 3:45 PM
Spangler Auditorium
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Breakout 3
3:45 pm
Aldrich 112
Doing Business in Africa
Demystifying the Business Landscape in Africa – A Dialogue between Private Actors and the Public Sector
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Doing Business in Africa

Doing business in Africa is tough work – myth or fact? It’s no doubt that African countries vary in terms of ease of doing business based on a myriad of factors. This panel will engage private investors, operators and public actors to unravel the nuances of investing on the continent and explore how to navigate an ever-evolving regulatory landscape. What are the key considerations for private players who want to set up operations in a country? What is the government's role in increasing the volume of local and international investments in African countries? How is the private sector innovating to collaborate with governments on investment promotion and policy? What do the private actors want from the government? What does the government feel its responsibility is? How do these overlap? How can we continue to drive dialogue that ensures alignment of incentives in doubling down on Africa’s growth

Mar 25, 2023 3:45 PM
Aldrich 112
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Breakout 3
3:45 pm
Aldrich 109
Democratizing Energy Access
Accelerating Meaningful and Sustainable Energy Access across the Continent
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Democratizing Energy Access

There are currently 800 million people without access to energy in the world, 80% of them are in Africa. This lack of energy stifles economic growth and development. There are several reasons why access to energy remains a challenge across Africa – insufficient generation capacity, poor transmission and distribution infrastructure, lack of affordability and inadequate regulation. This panel seeks to discuss how the public and private sector can work together to solve Africa’s energy crisis.

Mar 25, 2023 3:45 PM
Aldrich 109
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3:45 pm
Aldrich 107
Fintech in Africa: The End of the Beginning
Special Fireside Chat with McKinsey
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Fintech in Africa: The End of the Beginning

Africa’s fintech industry is coming of age. In the face of political and economic challenges and a global pandemic, fintech on the continent is booming. Come and listen to what comes next in the fintech space. Join Mayowa Kuyoro and Uzayr Jeenah, partners at McKinsey & Company, as they discuss the recent report on fintech in Africa.

Mar 25, 2023 3:45 PM
Aldrich 107
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Breakout 3
3:45 pm
Aldrich 110
Intra-Africa Trade
Realizing the Promise of the Largest Free Trade Market in Africa
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Intra-Africa Trade

The conversation on intra-Africa trade has been dominated by the recently implemented game-changing African Continental Free Trade Agreement (AfCFTA) and its potential to position the region as the fastest growing in the world. This discussion will broaden the conversation and unpack the AfCFTA for what it is – a legal instrument to enhance intra-Africa trade – and what we can realistically expect from the agreement, in the context of existing regional economic networks and other trade instruments already in effect. The discussion will seek to address questions such as how Africa can unlock potential by building more viable regional value chains, how countries can overcome infrastructural differences impeding trade, and how payment innovation must align to facilitate cross-border exchange. Underpinning these reforms is the critical role of financing to not only bridge the infrastructure and investment gaps, but also offset the revenues generated by existing trade barriers. Lastly, the role of the private sector cannot be understated. The discussion will highlight the dual role the private sector has to play, both as traders and agents of innovation.

Mar 25, 2023 3:45 PM
Aldrich 110
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Breakout 3
3:45 pm
Aldrich 111
Africa's Hidden Giants
Building Multigenerational Companies for Sustained Value Creation in Africa
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Africa's Hidden Giants

We go beyond the hype of venture building and block buster investment deals, back to the fundamentals of what it takes to build a large successful enterprise in Africa that can outlive the founders, generate sustained returns and become global players. How are incumbents keeping up with the competition and dynamism of well funded startups? How do muti generational businesses in Africa engage long term levers of governance, ESG and sustainability? What can we learn from the often silent contributors to our economies as we build the companies of the future today? This panel will delve into these pertinent questions from a myriad of perspectives from CEOs of multi generational billion dollar family businesses, corporate venture builders, and Africa's leading PE investors.

Mar 25, 2023 3:45 PM
Aldrich 111
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5:00 pm
Klarman Hall
Closing Keynote with Nonkululeko Nyembezi
Chairman, Standard Bank Group
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Closing Keynote with Nonkululeko Nyembezi

Mar 25, 2023 5:00 PM
Klarman Hall