conference Team

Aliya Shariff

Partner, Ethos Private Equity
Aliya Shariff

Aliya Shariff is a Partner at Ethos Private Equity and is based in Nairobi. Prior to Ethos, Aliya was a Director at Kagiso Tiso Holdings and a Vice President at Africa Finance Corporation. She has made and managed investments across Africa in a variety of sectors, including infrastructure, industrials, retail, consumer goods, financial services and healthcare. She began her career in strategy consulting.

Aliya holds a Bachelor of Arts from Princeton University and an MBA from Harvard Business School.


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Breakout 3
3:45 pm
Aldrich 112

Doing Business in Africa

Demystifying the Business Landscape in Africa – A Dialogue between Private Actors and the Public Sector
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Doing Business in Africa

Doing business in Africa is tough work – myth or fact? It’s no doubt that African countries vary in terms of ease of doing business based on a myriad of factors. This panel will engage private investors, operators and public actors to unravel the nuances of investing on the continent and explore how to navigate an ever-evolving regulatory landscape. What are the key considerations for private players who want to set up operations in a country? What is the government's role in increasing the volume of local and international investments in African countries? How is the private sector innovating to collaborate with governments on investment promotion and policy? What do the private actors want from the government? What does the government feel its responsibility is? How do these overlap? How can we continue to drive dialogue that ensures alignment of incentives in doubling down on Africa’s growth

Mar 25, 2023 3:45 PM
Aldrich 112