conference Team

Joy Kategekwa

Strategic Advisor on Africa, UNDP
Joy Kategekwa

Dr. Joy Kategekwa is a globally respected international trade and investment law, policy and capacity development expert with a 19-year track record influencing and shaping global, regional and national trade strategy. She has an unyielding passion for the power of trade for Africa’s development. At UNDP’s Regional Bureau for Africa in New York, she advises the Assistant Secretary General on design and implementation of high – impact – development - accelerating initiatives under the Renewed Strategic Offer in Africa - in her role as Regional Strategy Advisor on Africa. She also leads oversight on the AfCFTA portfolio. She is the Founding Head of the UNCTAD Regional Office for Africa in Addis Ababa, where she led the UNCTAD teams supporting design of the historic AfCFTA and advised governments on trade – led growth and capacity development strategies. Previously, at the WTO Secretariat in Geneva, she led institutional support to African delegations, and for negotiations on Special and Differential Treatment to make multilateral trade agreements work better for developing countries. She was appointed to the AfCFTA Secretary General’s Advisory Council on Trade, Investment and Industry; and the Advisory Board of the African Journal on International Economic Law (AJIEL); and has served on the World Economic Forum’s Global Future Council on Trade and Investment. She is the author of the book: “Opening Markets for Foreign Skills: How Can the WTO help?” She holds a Ph. D In International Trade Law from the prestigious World Trade Institute – University of Berne. She is a trained classical vocalist, a pianist, and a songwriter. She is married and is the very proud mother of 4 beautiful girls.


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Breakout 3
3:45 pm
Aldrich 110

Intra-Africa Trade

Realizing the Promise of the Largest Free Trade Market in Africa
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Intra-Africa Trade

The conversation on intra-Africa trade has been dominated by the recently implemented game-changing African Continental Free Trade Agreement (AfCFTA) and its potential to position the region as the fastest growing in the world. This discussion will broaden the conversation and unpack the AfCFTA for what it is – a legal instrument to enhance intra-Africa trade – and what we can realistically expect from the agreement, in the context of existing regional economic networks and other trade instruments already in effect. The discussion will seek to address questions such as how Africa can unlock potential by building more viable regional value chains, how countries can overcome infrastructural differences impeding trade, and how payment innovation must align to facilitate cross-border exchange. Underpinning these reforms is the critical role of financing to not only bridge the infrastructure and investment gaps, but also offset the revenues generated by existing trade barriers. Lastly, the role of the private sector cannot be understated. The discussion will highlight the dual role the private sector has to play, both as traders and agents of innovation.

Mar 25, 2023 3:45 PM
Aldrich 110