conference Team

Evelyn Nyarko

Deputy Director, Investor Services, Ghana Investment Promotion Center
Evelyn Nyarko

Evelyn Nyarko is a Deputy Director at the Investor Services Division of the Ghana  Investment Promotion Centre. She is a Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) Adviser and  an Economist with over 18 years of experience in the management of foreign direct  investment services, international trade, tourism and airline transactions.  

Over her professional career at the Ghana Investment Promotion Centre, she has  provided cutting edge FDI advisory services to hundreds of foreign and domestic  companies from United States, China, United Kingdom, Latin America, and other  North American, Asia, European and some African countries to ensure their successful  establishment, operations and growth with and in Ghana. She currently leads as a  Deputy Director of the Investor Services Division to manage and monitor over US$40bn worth of Foreign Direct Investment in various sectors of the Ghanaian  economy including manufacturing, energy, real estate, tourism, agriculture and  healthcare.  

Evelyn has considerable understanding of the operational and the implementation  issues on global foreign investment and trade policies, through her participation in  incoming foreign investment missions to Ghana, foreign investment promotion  campaigns abroad, and in bilateral and multilateral trade and investment conferences  of World Association of Investment Promotion Agencies (WAIPA), the World Trade  Organization(WTO), the United States African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA)  and the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD). 

Evelyn is an alum of Harvard University, with a Master of Public Administration Degree  from the Kennedy School. She also has an MPhil in Economics and a Bachelor’s  Degree in Economics and Geography from the University of Ghana and a Professional  Diploma in Ticketing and Reservation from International Air Transport Association  (I.A.T.A.). 


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Breakout 1
10:15 am
Aldrich 108

Bridges to the Diaspora

Unleashing the Socio-economic Power of the African Diaspora
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Bridges to the Diaspora

At the center of long-standing debate is whether emigration from Africa has caused the continent more harm than good. According to reports, more than 70,000 skilled people leave the continent annually yet foreign inflows to the continent from Diasporan remittances have grown exponentially in the last decade to reach more than $50 billion each year. Beyond remittances, research has also shown that continuous engagement with the Diaspora can accrue additional benefits to the continent through increased trade, investment and knowledge transfer. Moreover, the Diaspora is also believed to have played a major role in promoting the adoption of African music and shaping the narrative of Africa on the global stage. This panel will discuss how Africa can strengthen its ties with the large Diasporan community around the world and foster deeper connections for mutual benefit. Does every country need a “Beyond the Return" campaign like Ghana or are there other creative levers the continent can pull to better engage its Diasporan community?

Mar 25, 2023 10:15 AM
Aldrich 108