conference Team

Monique Motty

Senior Climate Finance Advisor to the Minister
Monique Motty

Monique has worked internationally as a technical expert over the past decade on projects and policies focused on climate technologies, clean energy transition, and green finance mostly in African countries. A Climate Advisor to the Minister of Environment of the Democratic Republic of Congo, she has worked previously for a multilateral development bank, an international think tank, a national forest entity, and various UN agencies. She co-authored and contributed to peer-reviewed articles and reports on climate finance for energy transition, tenure related to bioenergy development, adaptation finance in the context of covid-19 and opportunities and modalities for upscaling private sector green investments.

In addition to being an Executive of the Congo World Foundation, promoting fair treatment and sustainable, artisanal extraction of cobalt in DRC, she is a board member of the Future Energy Leadership program from the World Energy Council (WEC), and she sits on the Technology Executive Committee and Expert Group on action and support (ASEG) against loss and damage of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).

A Master of Public Administration Graduate, Mason fellow and Louis & Gabrielle Bacon Environmental leader fellow from Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government, she also holds a Master of Science in Energy, Environmental Technology and Economics from City, University of London.


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Breakout 3
3:45 pm
Spangler Auditorium

Climate and Sustainability

Accelerating Climate Resilience and Adaption for Sustainable Growth in Africa
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Climate and Sustainability

Africa accounts for only two to three percent of global greenhouse gas emissions, yet it is disproportionately affected by the impacts of climate change. Key development sectors have already experienced severe damages including water shortages, reduced food production, biodiversity loss, loss of lives and reduced economic growth. Populations as well as businesses alike are increasingly exposed. Governments, businesses, and civil society must collaborate to deploy and scale solutions across industries that accelerate climate resilience and adaptation. Africa is also uniquely positioned to capitalize on the international transition to “green growth”, with opportunities to tap into new, fast-growing industries that can help to reduce global emission while creating jobs and economic development at home. This panel highlights investors, operators, and advisors to businesses and governments who aim to build synergies on the continent between climate adaptation and sustainable growth.

Mar 25, 2023 3:45 PM
Spangler Auditorium