conference Team

Loic Mackosso

Founder and Managing Partner, Aries Investissements
Loic Mackosso

Loic Mackosso is an investment banker, investor, founder and partner at Aries Investments, a Congo-based financial advisory boutique. Alongside his partners, he advises domestic and international firms on the structuring and financing of their investment projects in areas ranging from energy, water and natural resources.  To date, the firm's deal flow is $500 millionand is expected to reach $1 billion by 2024.

With a career spanning over 21 years at institutions such as Landwell and Partners, AA Advisors, Société Nationales des pétroles du Congo (SNPC), and Banque de Développement des Etats de l’Afrique Centrale (BDEAC), Mr.Mackosso has advised and executed landmark transactions in Central Africa. These include an oil and gas company's $1.5 billion investment program, the Kribi power plant's $232 million financing in Cameroon, and AERCO's (Congoleseairports concessionaire) $27 million investment program financing.  

In addition to his advisory services, Mr. Mackosso sits on the Board of Directors of the Banque Postale du Congo where he chairs the audit committee. As a renowned advisor with extensive knowledge of the banking and financial industry, he regularly speaks and writes on investment and infrastructure issues for international publications and news networks, including Jeune Afrique, Tribune Afrique, the BBC and Africa24. In 2020, he was commissioned by the U.S. Embassy in Congoto draft a report on stimulating U.S. investment in Central Africa in apost-Covid context.  

Finally, Mr. Mackosso is passionate about sports and in 2018 along with his friends created a sports association, Saturday Bootcamp, that helps people from diverse backgrounds to unlock their full potential through sport.  

Mr. Mackosso graduated from the University of Lille in France in 2003 with a master’s degree in Business Law and received a Certificate of Completion for the Infrastructure in a Market Economy program from the Harvard Kennedy School of Government in May 2022.


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Breakout 3
3:45 pm
Aldrich 112

Doing Business in Africa

Demystifying the Business Landscape in Africa – A Dialogue between Private Actors and the Public Sector
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Doing Business in Africa

Doing business in Africa is tough work – myth or fact? It’s no doubt that African countries vary in terms of ease of doing business based on a myriad of factors. This panel will engage private investors, operators and public actors to unravel the nuances of investing on the continent and explore how to navigate an ever-evolving regulatory landscape. What are the key considerations for private players who want to set up operations in a country? What is the government's role in increasing the volume of local and international investments in African countries? How is the private sector innovating to collaborate with governments on investment promotion and policy? What do the private actors want from the government? What does the government feel its responsibility is? How do these overlap? How can we continue to drive dialogue that ensures alignment of incentives in doubling down on Africa’s growth

Mar 25, 2023 3:45 PM
Aldrich 112