conference Team

Daniel Acheampong

Co-Founder and General Partner at Visible Hands
Daniel Acheampong

Daniel Acheampong is a Co-Founder and General Partner at Visible Hands, a venture capital firm that funds and empowers underrepresented founders launching high-growth startups. At the earliest stages of company-building, Visible Hands provides meaningful funding, personalized support, and social capital, helping our founders build exceptional technology startups. Daniel oversees investment processes at Visible Hands as the firm has made over 90 investments across multiple industries. 

He received a dual Masters in Business Administration from the Wharton School and Public Administration from Harvard Kennedy School. Prior to graduate school, Daniel was an associate at Summit Partners, a premier investment firm, where he managed the firm’s due diligence process to raise investment funds. Previously, he was a financial analyst at Goldman Sachs, where he supported senior management in supervising the New England Private Wealth Management business. 

Daniel received his Bachelor of Arts in Economics in from Brandeis University, where he was a Posse Scholar and Gates Millennium Scholar. He is an Entrepreneur In Residence at MIT’s DesignX and Venture Advisor at Tsai Center for Innovative Thinking at Yale University. He is a national board member of The Posse Foundation.


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6:00 pm
Klarman Hall

New Venture Competition

Annual pitch competition to showcase the diversity of entrepreneurs making a difference on the continent today
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New Venture Competition

As part of the conference, the Africa Business Club will be hosting the New Venture Competition which seeks to showcase the diversity of entrepreneurs making a difference on the continent today.

From the pool of over 380 applications, 10 finalists were  invited to pitch their business in front of over 1,000 attendees and receive feedback from a panel of experienced judges. The competition winner and runner-up, and third place will be awarded cash prizes of $30,000, 15,000, and $10,000, respectively.

Mar 24, 2023 6:00 PM
Klarman Hall