conference Team

Fatima Al Ansar

Former Head of Mission at Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mali. Founder of Tilwalte Girls Peace Network
Fatima Al Ansar

Fatima Al Ansar, is an independent consultant on peace and security in the Sahel region. She is the founder of Tilwalte Peace Network, an organization that invests in conflict research and peace-building. She is originally from Timbuktu, and has been engaged as a public leader for much of her career. She has received several national and international awards for her dedicated service. Examples of her impact include participating in the negotiations leading to the 2020 Transitional Charter for Mali, and contributing to writing the Transitional chapter in Mali. She worked for the Centre of Strategic Studies at the Malian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. She was the youngest diplomat in Mali, working as the head of Mission for the Mali Minister of Foreign Affairs. She has been involved in several articles and research projects on current political and security developments in the Sahel, proposing innovative ideas for mediation and peacebuilding initiatives.  She is the Chief Delegate and Global Ambassador promoting the United Nations SDGs for the UN World Youth Group program. She is on the advisory board of the African Leadership Academy Youth Public sector promotion program to promote African youth in public service. Fatima studied at the African Leadership Academy, Trinity college, Vienna University, and is an Oxford Human Rights Fellow. She was a Mastercard Foundation scholar and the youngest Michelle Obama Young African Women Initiative fellow. 


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4:25 pm
Klarman Hall

"My Takes" by Fatima Al Ansar

Former Head of Mission, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mali
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"My Takes" by Fatima Al Ansar

Mar 24, 2023 4:25 PM
Klarman Hall