Breakout 1
10:15 am
Klarman Hall

Private Equity

Is the traditional private equity model compatible with Africa? In this candid fireside chat with Yemi Lalude, the Managing Partner of TPG's Africa team, we will have a frank discussion about not only the challanges investors in African private markets face, but also the collosal opportunities these markets present them. We will hear about how private capital deployed in Africa generates positive impact unlike anywhere else in the world and how Africa's growing technology sector presents private equity investors with an opportunity to invest in companies growing at rates very rarely seen elsewhere.

Private Equity

Is the traditional private equity model compatible with Africa? In this candid fireside chat with Yemi Lalude, the Managing Partner of TPG's Africa team, we will have a frank discussion about not only the challanges investors in African private markets face, but also the collosal opportunities these markets present them. We will hear about how private capital deployed in Africa generates positive impact unlike anywhere else in the world and how Africa's growing technology sector presents private equity investors with an opportunity to invest in companies growing at rates very rarely seen elsewhere.

Mar 25, 2023 10:15 AM
Klarman Hall

Other Sessions

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Breakout 1
10:15 am
Aldrich 109
Startup Negotiations
Achieving Superior Deal Terms for Startups in Africa – From Incorporation to Acquisition
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Startup Negotiations

This panel discussion will focus on negotiations for startups in the African business landscape. The panel will include a venture capitalist investor, a lawyer with expertise in startup law, and the founder of a successful startup. The discussion will explore best practices for negotiating with investors, partners, and suppliers in order to achieve favorable outcomes for startups. The panelists will also share their experiences and insights on navigating the unique challenges and opportunities presented by the African business environment.

Mar 25, 2023 10:15 AM
Aldrich 109
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10:00 pm
Chinatown Country Club
Afrolituation x World Afrika Party sponsored by Amplify Africa
Sounds by Spinall, SuperSmashBroz, KingCollins and $25 for Conference Attendees All Night
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Afrolituation x World Afrika Party sponsored by Amplify Africa

Chinatown Country Club
9a Tyler Street, 3rd Floor
Boston, MA 02111
$25 for conference attendees until 12:30AM

Mar 24, 2023 10:00 PM
Chinatown Country Club
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6:00 pm
Klarman Hall
New Venture Competition
Annual pitch competition to showcase the diversity of entrepreneurs making a difference on the continent today
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New Venture Competition

As part of the conference, the Africa Business Club will be hosting the New Venture Competition which seeks to showcase the diversity of entrepreneurs making a difference on the continent today.

From the pool of over 380 applications, 10 finalists were  invited to pitch their business in front of over 1,000 attendees and receive feedback from a panel of experienced judges. The competition winner and runner-up, and third place will be awarded cash prizes of $30,000, 15,000, and $10,000, respectively.

Mar 24, 2023 6:00 PM
Klarman Hall