conference Team

Naana Winful Fynn

Norfund, Regional Director, West Africa
Naana Winful Fynn

Naana Winful Fynn is the Regional Director for West Africa for Norfund, the Norwegian development finance institution. Norfund invests in privately-owned companies in the Renewable Energy, Financial Institutions, Agribusiness and Manufacturing and Green Infrastructure sectors, and in SME Funds. Norfund invests for commercial returns as well as developmental impact. 

She is also a member of Norfund’s 6-person global Credit Committee.

Naana is a management professional with over 20 years of diversified experience in the financial services, real estate and consumer products industries. She has experience in investing, strategy development, financial and strategic advisory, project management and brand management.

Prior to Norfund, she was a Director of Sagevest Holdings, an investment holding company. She has previously worked as Vice President at Travant Real Estate in Lagos, Nigeria. Other previously-held positions include brand management, marketing and strategy roles at CVS Corporation and the Timberland Company in the US. She also previously worked as a financial analyst in the Investment Banking Division of Goldman Sachs & Co, and as an Associate at Goldman Sachs Asset Management, both in New York.  

She holds a Bachelor's degree with Honors in Economics from Vassar College, where she graduated Phi Beta Kappa, and an MBA from the Harvard Business School, where she was the winner of the Goldman Sachs MBA Fellowship. 

She is a non-executive Board Director for Continental Blue Investments (CBI Ghana), a former member of the Investment Advisory Committee for the Ghana Petroleum Funds and a mentor for young professionals in the Sponsors for Educational Opportunity (SEO) program.


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Breakout 3
3:45 pm
Spangler Auditorium

Climate and Sustainability

Accelerating Climate Resilience and Adaption for Sustainable Growth in Africa
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Climate and Sustainability

Africa accounts for only two to three percent of global greenhouse gas emissions, yet it is disproportionately affected by the impacts of climate change. Key development sectors have already experienced severe damages including water shortages, reduced food production, biodiversity loss, loss of lives and reduced economic growth. Populations as well as businesses alike are increasingly exposed. Governments, businesses, and civil society must collaborate to deploy and scale solutions across industries that accelerate climate resilience and adaptation. Africa is also uniquely positioned to capitalize on the international transition to “green growth”, with opportunities to tap into new, fast-growing industries that can help to reduce global emission while creating jobs and economic development at home. This panel highlights investors, operators, and advisors to businesses and governments who aim to build synergies on the continent between climate adaptation and sustainable growth.

Mar 25, 2023 3:45 PM
Spangler Auditorium