conference Team

Fatima Idd

ADHI Corporate Group
Fatima Idd

A Pan-African business strategist with an entrepreneurial acumen, Fatima Soleman has founded 2 ventures in the construction and real estate sector and sits on the board of ADHI Corporate. ADHI is a pioneering company that develops affordable and sustainable housing through its patented technology, locally manufactured building materials and its capacity building training center. In partnership with the Government of Rwanda, ADHI is set to deliver 28,000 affordable homes within the next 10 years.

Previously, Fatima spearheaded the strategy and execution to shift the company from an experimental phase of its patented construction technology to its wider adoption and full-scale operations. Currently, with her proven fund-raising and networking skills, Fatima is promoting the ADHI model in other Sub-Saharan African countries to secure contracts and establish new partnerships. Because ADHI's DNA is centered around solving the shortage of affordable housing across the continent, the company is always researching improved methods of construction and engaging with policymakers and finance institutions to increase access to dignified and environmentally friendly homes.



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Breakout 2
11:25 am
Aldrich 111

Affordable Housing

Delivering Innovative Solutions to Bridge Africa’s Housing Deficit
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Affordable Housing

Real estate can be a vehicle to leap the African middle-class into financial prosperity. The challenges are recognizing the barriers, finding new opportunities, and enabling access. In this session, we will cover the needs for better planning, construction, and access through the lens of people involved in both the public and private spaces. We will conclude with practical guidelines for investing in affordable real estate from within and beyond the African borders at the personal and institutional level. Affordable does not mean low-quality; it means scalable and replicable for the masses. Innovators are making a difference through new construction-technologies, collaborating with government to minimize risks, and bringing unique means to connect capital for developers, buyers, and investors.

Mar 25, 2023 11:25 AM
Aldrich 111