Breakout 3
3:45 pm
Aldrich 111

Africa's Hidden Giants

We go beyond the hype of venture building and block buster investment deals, back to the fundamentals of what it takes to build a large successful enterprise in Africa that can outlive the founders, generate sustained returns and become global players. How are incumbents keeping up with the competition and dynamism of well funded startups? How do muti generational businesses in Africa engage long term levers of governance, ESG and sustainability? What can we learn from the often silent contributors to our economies as we build the companies of the future today? This panel will delve into these pertinent questions from a myriad of perspectives from CEOs of multi generational billion dollar family businesses, corporate venture builders, and Africa's leading PE investors.

Africa's Hidden Giants

We go beyond the hype of venture building and block buster investment deals, back to the fundamentals of what it takes to build a large successful enterprise in Africa that can outlive the founders, generate sustained returns and become global players. How are incumbents keeping up with the competition and dynamism of well funded startups? How do muti generational businesses in Africa engage long term levers of governance, ESG and sustainability? What can we learn from the often silent contributors to our economies as we build the companies of the future today? This panel will delve into these pertinent questions from a myriad of perspectives from CEOs of multi generational billion dollar family businesses, corporate venture builders, and Africa's leading PE investors.

Mar 25, 2023 3:45 PM
Aldrich 111

Other Sessions

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Breakout 3
3:45 pm
Aldrich 112
Doing Business in Africa
Demystifying the Business Landscape in Africa – A Dialogue between Private Actors and the Public Sector
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Doing Business in Africa

Doing business in Africa is tough work – myth or fact? It’s no doubt that African countries vary in terms of ease of doing business based on a myriad of factors. This panel will engage private investors, operators and public actors to unravel the nuances of investing on the continent and explore how to navigate an ever-evolving regulatory landscape. What are the key considerations for private players who want to set up operations in a country? What is the government's role in increasing the volume of local and international investments in African countries? How is the private sector innovating to collaborate with governments on investment promotion and policy? What do the private actors want from the government? What does the government feel its responsibility is? How do these overlap? How can we continue to drive dialogue that ensures alignment of incentives in doubling down on Africa’s growth

Mar 25, 2023 3:45 PM
Aldrich 112
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Breakout 1
10:15 am
Klarman Hall
Private Equity
Pitfalls and Pathways for Private Investments in Africa
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Private Equity

Is the traditional private equity model compatible with Africa? In this candid fireside chat with Yemi Lalude, the Managing Partner of TPG's Africa team, we will have a frank discussion about not only the challanges investors in African private markets face, but also the collosal opportunities these markets present them. We will hear about how private capital deployed in Africa generates positive impact unlike anywhere else in the world and how Africa's growing technology sector presents private equity investors with an opportunity to invest in companies growing at rates very rarely seen elsewhere.

Mar 25, 2023 10:15 AM
Klarman Hall
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Breakout 2
11:25 am
Aldrich 112
The Rise of African Music
Advancing the Representation of African Music on the Global Stage
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The Rise of African Music

Africa's narrative on the world stage today is being shaped as ground-breaking musicians, artists, journalists, blockbuster movies, tv shows and writers take center stage. This panel will discuss pertinent trends from across stakeholders in this culture - shaping ecosystem. As Africa accelerates into the future, this panel will present an insightful set of perspectives on the power of narrative and creativity to re-imagine and visualize the direction of progress. Our goal is to highlight how African music is showcased to the world, the challenges that exist and the forces that are at work to positively enhance the upward trajectory.

Mar 25, 2023 11:25 AM
Aldrich 112