conference Team

Nneka Eze

General Partner and Managing Director, VestedWorld
Nneka Eze

Nneka Eze is a Managing Partner and General Partner at VestedWorld, a venture capital firm delivering impact and returns in agriculture, consumer goods, and enabling technology with a focus on Ghana, Nigeria, and Kenya. 

Nneka’s frame of reference has been based on Black feminism, and her understanding of race and class struggles in America as an underrepresented minority. Applying this perspective to an African context helps her to understand how class dynamics work, how biases affect capital allocations, and how important it is for Black people to access the basics and the opportunities. 

Previously, Nneka worked to deepen investment in African businesses and entrepreneurs for over a decade having built the Dalberg Nigeria office as Director/founder and co-lead of the Global Agriculture and Food Security practice having lived in Senegal and Kenya prior to Nigeria. She serves on the boards and advisory boards of multiple portfolio companies in addition to the Impact Investors’ Foundation of Nigeria, the National Advisory Board for Impact Investing in Nigeria, and The Resolution Project. Nneka is passionate about creative industries, wholesale and retail trade, and other sectors driving economic growth and employment in Africa.

She previously worked at McKinsey & Company in the USA and Nigeria. Nneka holds an AB in Economics cum laude from Harvard. She is fluent in English and proficient in French and is based in Lagos, Nigeria.


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Breakout 2
11:15 am
Spangler Auditorium

Venture Capital and Studios

Launching and Investing in Early-Stage Ventures - Beyond the Hype and Back to the Basics
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Venture Capital and Studios

$8 billion dollars later, what have we learned in the past decade about the enduring lessons of investing in and building successful early stage companies in Africa? Africa has seen a complete market cycle of boom and bust in the VC ecosystem, its first few exits and IPO, and a flurry of founders and media coverage. This panel features insights from serial founders, early stage VCs and leading accelerators. Expect to hear riveting insights on key questions including - What early stage investors have gotten right and wrong in choosing winners? How founders are getting wiser on choosing investors and achieving PMF? How the ecosystem will evolve as it unlocks new types of capital like venture debt and new models like studios?

Mar 25, 2023 11:15 AM
Spangler Auditorium