conference Team

Veda Sunassee

CEO, African Leadership University
Veda Sunassee

Veda Sunassee has spent over a decade in several roles within the African Leadership (AL) Group. He has been part of the founding teams of several entities within the group, starting at the African Leadership Academy in 2010. An educator at heart, he has helped develop and design the leadership model central to the mandate of the AL Group - to develop 2 million African leaders by 2035. 

Veda helped set up the African Leadership College (ALC) in Mauritius in 2015 before later serving as the Founding Dean of the African Leadership University (ALU), Rwanda, from 2017. During a sabbatical that he took in 2019, Veda co-founded NiaDelta, a Leadership and Education consulting firm that advises corporate C-suites as well as education leaders. Veda is currently serving as the Chief Executive Officer of ALC & ALU, overseeing operations across both the Mauritius and Rwanda campuses while steering the institution's new 5-year strategy to become a ‘distributed university’ across the world. 

Veda hails from the small island of Mauritius and is a graduate of Princeton University. In 2018, he was selected among the inaugural Obama Leaders.


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Breakout 1
10:15 am
Aldrich 111

Talent Development

Reimagining the Development of Africa’s Workforce
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Talent Development

There is a lack of focused discourse highlighting innovation in exceptional talent identification and development in Africa. There is an urgent need to harness/unlock the potential of Africa’s demographic dividend by way of its youthful population. This panel will seek to learn from a diverse set of entrepreneurs at the forefront of reimagining how we educate the world’s youngest population. We will explore how for- and non-profit models face incredible opportunities and challenges as they scale across borders on the continent.

Mar 25, 2023 10:15 AM
Aldrich 111