conference Team

Laetitia Tiani Vessah

MBA Student, Harvard Business School
Laetitia Tiani Vessah

Laetitia (Lay-ti-sia) TIANI VESSAH strives to be people’s compass to confidence. She cares about people and wants to improve their lives through business. Post-MBA, Laetitia wants to buy a business and sustain its owner’s legacy into the next generation. Her operating experience started in analytics & insights to represent the voice of consumers before transitioning to brand management where she led cross-functional teams to grow a billion-dollar brand at Procter & Gamble. Still, her most rewarding professional experience has been helping her mom sustain Connect SA, her family’s business in her homeland Cameroon. In her free time, she loves traveling, dancing, and spending time with loved ones. Laetitia earned a bachelor’s degree in sociology at Harvard College and is finishing up her MBA at Harvard Business School.


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12:45 pm
Batten Hives

Making Money Moves

Career Design Workshop
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Making Money Moves

What do you want to be "where" you grow up? If you’re looking to intentionally design your next professional move, this workshop is for you! Come apply design thinking principles to craft your next move. This interactive workshop centered on you is the sign you were looking for. Join us for a lunch and learn where you’ll walk away with actionable next steps.

Mar 25, 2023 12:45 PM
Batten Hives