Breakout 3
3:45 pm
Aldrich 110

Intra-Africa Trade

The conversation on intra-Africa trade has been dominated by the recently implemented game-changing African Continental Free Trade Agreement (AfCFTA) and its potential to position the region as the fastest growing in the world. This discussion will broaden the conversation and unpack the AfCFTA for what it is – a legal instrument to enhance intra-Africa trade – and what we can realistically expect from the agreement, in the context of existing regional economic networks and other trade instruments already in effect. The discussion will seek to address questions such as how Africa can unlock potential by building more viable regional value chains, how countries can overcome infrastructural differences impeding trade, and how payment innovation must align to facilitate cross-border exchange. Underpinning these reforms is the critical role of financing to not only bridge the infrastructure and investment gaps, but also offset the revenues generated by existing trade barriers. Lastly, the role of the private sector cannot be understated. The discussion will highlight the dual role the private sector has to play, both as traders and agents of innovation.

Intra-Africa Trade

The conversation on intra-Africa trade has been dominated by the recently implemented game-changing African Continental Free Trade Agreement (AfCFTA) and its potential to position the region as the fastest growing in the world. This discussion will broaden the conversation and unpack the AfCFTA for what it is – a legal instrument to enhance intra-Africa trade – and what we can realistically expect from the agreement, in the context of existing regional economic networks and other trade instruments already in effect. The discussion will seek to address questions such as how Africa can unlock potential by building more viable regional value chains, how countries can overcome infrastructural differences impeding trade, and how payment innovation must align to facilitate cross-border exchange. Underpinning these reforms is the critical role of financing to not only bridge the infrastructure and investment gaps, but also offset the revenues generated by existing trade barriers. Lastly, the role of the private sector cannot be understated. The discussion will highlight the dual role the private sector has to play, both as traders and agents of innovation.

Mar 25, 2023 3:45 PM
Aldrich 110

Other Sessions

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12:45 pm
Batten Hives
From 0 to 1 Million+ Followers
How to Leverage Social Media to Build Your Business in 2023
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From 0 to 1 Million+ Followers

From 0 to 1 Million+ Followers: How to Leverage Social Media to Build Your Business in 2023

Taught by Olivia Barnard, a former McKinsey consultant and social media influencer with 1.3 million followers

Social media is the future. There were 50 million content creators in 2020. In 2022, the number jumped to more than 300 million (Adobe). As the creator economy continues to grow, so does the shift away from traditional forms of marketing to social media. In 2022, social media video ad spending grew by 20.1% to $24.35 billion (Hootsuite). Social media is the future; don't get left behind. 

In this lunch and learn, Olivia will share her personal experience growing her online brand to 1.3 million followers across 3 platforms - Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube.

Through social media, you can: 

💼 Generate new leads for your business (real estate, coaching, teaching, medical) and scale it to seven figures 

🍰 Create a side hustle (photography, baking, pottery) that makes multiple six figures

📲 Build a career as a digital marketer for small businesses or Fortune 500 companies

🎤 Establish yourself as a thought leader and receive invitations to speak at conferences 

🏑 Share your hobbies and build an audience of people with similar interests

💋 Become an influencer and get paid to talk about products you love 

The possibilities are endless! 

Mar 25, 2023 12:45 PM
Batten Hives
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3:45 pm
Aldrich 107
Fintech in Africa: The End of the Beginning
Special Fireside Chat with McKinsey
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Fintech in Africa: The End of the Beginning

Africa’s fintech industry is coming of age. In the face of political and economic challenges and a global pandemic, fintech on the continent is booming. Come and listen to what comes next in the fintech space. Join Mayowa Kuyoro and Uzayr Jeenah, partners at McKinsey & Company, as they discuss the recent report on fintech in Africa.

Mar 25, 2023 3:45 PM
Aldrich 107
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Breakout 2
11:25 am
Aldrich 108
Reimagining Agriculture
Feeding the Continent through Improved Agribusiness Models
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Reimagining Agriculture

African agriculture is at once an immense challenge and opportunity. With proper investments, we could increase production by hundreds of billions of dollars annually, with equal potential in processing and retail. The continent closed 150 agtech funding deals for $482.3M in 2021, but much more is needed. Come join Africa’s foremost agri investors, agtech entrepreneurs, and downstream and upstream operators as they outline how to realize the sector’s potential via better business models, talent and investment.

Mar 25, 2023 11:25 AM
Aldrich 108