Breakout 2
11:25 am
Aldrich 112

The Rise of African Music

Africa's narrative on the world stage today is being shaped as ground-breaking musicians, artists, journalists, blockbuster movies, tv shows and writers take center stage. This panel will discuss pertinent trends from across stakeholders in this culture - shaping ecosystem. As Africa accelerates into the future, this panel will present an insightful set of perspectives on the power of narrative and creativity to re-imagine and visualize the direction of progress. Our goal is to highlight how African music is showcased to the world, the challenges that exist and the forces that are at work to positively enhance the upward trajectory.

The Rise of African Music

Africa's narrative on the world stage today is being shaped as ground-breaking musicians, artists, journalists, blockbuster movies, tv shows and writers take center stage. This panel will discuss pertinent trends from across stakeholders in this culture - shaping ecosystem. As Africa accelerates into the future, this panel will present an insightful set of perspectives on the power of narrative and creativity to re-imagine and visualize the direction of progress. Our goal is to highlight how African music is showcased to the world, the challenges that exist and the forces that are at work to positively enhance the upward trajectory.

Mar 25, 2023 11:25 AM
Aldrich 112

Other Sessions

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Breakout 3
3:45 pm
Aldrich 109
Democratizing Energy Access
Accelerating Meaningful and Sustainable Energy Access across the Continent
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Democratizing Energy Access

There are currently 800 million people without access to energy in the world, 80% of them are in Africa. This lack of energy stifles economic growth and development. There are several reasons why access to energy remains a challenge across Africa – insufficient generation capacity, poor transmission and distribution infrastructure, lack of affordability and inadequate regulation. This panel seeks to discuss how the public and private sector can work together to solve Africa’s energy crisis.

Mar 25, 2023 3:45 PM
Aldrich 109
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Breakout 1
10:15 am
Aldrich 109
Startup Negotiations
Achieving Superior Deal Terms for Startups in Africa – From Incorporation to Acquisition
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Startup Negotiations

This panel discussion will focus on negotiations for startups in the African business landscape. The panel will include a venture capitalist investor, a lawyer with expertise in startup law, and the founder of a successful startup. The discussion will explore best practices for negotiating with investors, partners, and suppliers in order to achieve favorable outcomes for startups. The panelists will also share their experiences and insights on navigating the unique challenges and opportunities presented by the African business environment.

Mar 25, 2023 10:15 AM
Aldrich 109
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2:15 pm
Klarman Hall
Africa Accelerated
Driving the Holistic Development of Africa in the Next Decade and Beyond
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Africa Accelerated

In this session, we will hear from experts across sectors to posit how we can take an interdisciplinary approach to accelerating Africa’s development in the next decade and beyond. Grounded in an understanding of the largest opportunity gaps, this session will focus on innovative solutions for inclusive growth. In addition to looking at on-the-ground enablers, such as technology, education, and public-private partnerships, we will focus on how the diaspora can support Africa’s growth journey.

Mar 25, 2023 2:15 PM
Klarman Hall