Breakout 2
11:25 am
Aldrich 108
Reimagining Agriculture
African agriculture is at once an immense challenge and opportunity. With proper investments, we could increase production by hundreds of billions of dollars annually, with equal potential in processing and retail. The continent closed 150 agtech funding deals for $482.3M in 2021, but much more is needed. Come join Africa’s foremost agri investors, agtech entrepreneurs, and downstream and upstream operators as they outline how to realize the sector’s potential via better business models, talent and investment.
Other Sessions
Breakout 2
11:25 am
Aldrich 110
Digital Infrastructure
Accelerating Africa’s Digitization through Targeted Infrastructure
12:45 pm
Batten Hives
From 0 to 1 Million+ Followers
How to Leverage Social Media to Build Your Business in 2023
Breakout 1
10:15 am
Klarman Hall
Private Equity
Pitfalls and Pathways for Private Investments in Africa