conference Team

Chris Troy

Transaction Liaison, Power Africa
Chris Troy

Chris Troy joined Power Africa in 2014 and is the hydro power and private sector lead for investors.  Chris started his career with a boiler plant running air-models to prove pollution compliance for a plant expansion,  subsequently as a R&D engineer developing gen-set diesel engines in Denmark, and then spent several years in Silicon Valley helping to create the world’s most advanced hard drives in the data-storage sector. After business school, Chris worked as an investment banker helping tech clients, and also worked in international strategy consulting: helping clients enter the uninterruptible power supply market, developing technology for supercapacitors, plastics, industrial chemicals, and other sectors.  Chris has worked at several start-up companies including the energy efficiency company, Next Step Living where he wrote the business plan and served as the COO and interim CFO.  Chris studied mechanical engineering at the University of Maryland, and received his MBA from MIT-Sloan.


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Breakout 3
3:45 pm
Aldrich 109

Democratizing Energy Access

Accelerating Meaningful and Sustainable Energy Access across the Continent
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Democratizing Energy Access

There are currently 800 million people without access to energy in the world, 80% of them are in Africa. This lack of energy stifles economic growth and development. There are several reasons why access to energy remains a challenge across Africa – insufficient generation capacity, poor transmission and distribution infrastructure, lack of affordability and inadequate regulation. This panel seeks to discuss how the public and private sector can work together to solve Africa’s energy crisis.

Mar 25, 2023 3:45 PM
Aldrich 109