Breakout 2
11:15 am
Spangler Auditorium

Venture Capital and Studios

$8 billion dollars later, what have we learned in the past decade about the enduring lessons of investing in and building successful early stage companies in Africa? Africa has seen a complete market cycle of boom and bust in the VC ecosystem, its first few exits and IPO, and a flurry of founders and media coverage. This panel features insights from serial founders, early stage VCs and leading accelerators. Expect to hear riveting insights on key questions including - What early stage investors have gotten right and wrong in choosing winners? How founders are getting wiser on choosing investors and achieving PMF? How the ecosystem will evolve as it unlocks new types of capital like venture debt and new models like studios?

Venture Capital and Studios

$8 billion dollars later, what have we learned in the past decade about the enduring lessons of investing in and building successful early stage companies in Africa? Africa has seen a complete market cycle of boom and bust in the VC ecosystem, its first few exits and IPO, and a flurry of founders and media coverage. This panel features insights from serial founders, early stage VCs and leading accelerators. Expect to hear riveting insights on key questions including - What early stage investors have gotten right and wrong in choosing winners? How founders are getting wiser on choosing investors and achieving PMF? How the ecosystem will evolve as it unlocks new types of capital like venture debt and new models like studios?

Mar 25, 2023 11:15 AM
Spangler Auditorium

Other Sessions

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Breakout 3
3:45 pm
Aldrich 108
Entrepreneurship through Acquisition
Unlocking Value and Powering African SMEs through Acquisition Entrepreneurship
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Entrepreneurship through Acquisition

Although Entrepreneurship through Acquisition (ETA)— where entrepreneurs search for and acquire small, stable, cash-flow positive businesses with the intention to grow them over time—is becoming more popular, few “search funds” have been established in Africa. Indeed, there has been limited data to support the case for investing in African search funds and the benefits of this novel asset class. Still, ETA remains uniquely positioned to unlock value, find new talent, and accelerate the growth and development of SMEs—particularly family businesses—across the continent. This panel will focus on three key questions: (1) What makes Africa ripe for the growth of search funds? (2) How can the North American search fund model function on the continent? (3) What are the dynamics of operating and growing businesses under this model?

Mar 25, 2023 3:45 PM
Aldrich 108
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Breakout 2
11:25 am
Aldrich 108
Reimagining Agriculture
Feeding the Continent through Improved Agribusiness Models
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Reimagining Agriculture

African agriculture is at once an immense challenge and opportunity. With proper investments, we could increase production by hundreds of billions of dollars annually, with equal potential in processing and retail. The continent closed 150 agtech funding deals for $482.3M in 2021, but much more is needed. Come join Africa’s foremost agri investors, agtech entrepreneurs, and downstream and upstream operators as they outline how to realize the sector’s potential via better business models, talent and investment.

Mar 25, 2023 11:25 AM
Aldrich 108
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Breakout 1
10:15 am
Aldrich 109
Startup Negotiations
Achieving Superior Deal Terms for Startups in Africa – From Incorporation to Acquisition
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Startup Negotiations

This panel discussion will focus on negotiations for startups in the African business landscape. The panel will include a venture capitalist investor, a lawyer with expertise in startup law, and the founder of a successful startup. The discussion will explore best practices for negotiating with investors, partners, and suppliers in order to achieve favorable outcomes for startups. The panelists will also share their experiences and insights on navigating the unique challenges and opportunities presented by the African business environment.

Mar 25, 2023 10:15 AM
Aldrich 109