conference Team

Emmanuel Iruobe

Co-President of the Africa Business Club
Emmanuel Iruobe

MBA Candidate, Harvard Business School


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Breakout 1
10:15 am
Aldrich 108

Bridges to the Diaspora

Unleashing the Socio-economic Power of the African Diaspora
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Bridges to the Diaspora

At the center of long-standing debate is whether emigration from Africa has caused the continent more harm than good. According to reports, more than 70,000 skilled people leave the continent annually yet foreign inflows to the continent from Diasporan remittances have grown exponentially in the last decade to reach more than $50 billion each year. Beyond remittances, research has also shown that continuous engagement with the Diaspora can accrue additional benefits to the continent through increased trade, investment and knowledge transfer. Moreover, the Diaspora is also believed to have played a major role in promoting the adoption of African music and shaping the narrative of Africa on the global stage. This panel will discuss how Africa can strengthen its ties with the large Diasporan community around the world and foster deeper connections for mutual benefit. Does every country need a “Beyond the Return" campaign like Ghana or are there other creative levers the continent can pull to better engage its Diasporan community?

Mar 25, 2023 10:15 AM
Aldrich 108